Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Do You Glow in the Dark?

One of the car fads that has been featured in movies like the Fast and the Furious is under car lights. These are neon tubes that you can turn on to cast a light under the car. You can also get some that fit in the fender wells and door handles.

There are a variety of different types of kits out there. A very basic kit would have two long tubes for the sides of your car and two shorter tubes for the front and rear. Some kits have just one color tubes, while other kits have multiple tubes.

A basic kit would have a manual on-off switch, and a simple controller, while the top of the line would have a remote wireless controller. Colors can range from a simple solid to millions of colors. This is one device that you can go a wild as you feel.

One suggestion however is to always check with your local city or police department before you spend a lot of time or money on one of these kits. Some have been banned.

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