Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are Hybrids Really Green?

Of course they are you will say. They use less gas, and that's a sure sign of being green.

That's also what I thought until I read an article in the Washington Post. You can see it here:

What's the problem you ask. Glad you did. It appears that the battery is the culprit.
Its a nickel metal hydride battery. Here are some of the steps that comprise the life cycle of this battery.

"The nickel is mined in Sudbury, Ontario, and smelted nearby, doing damage to the local environment. The smelted nickel is shipped to Wales, where it is refined. Then it is sent to China to be made into nickel foam. Then it goes to Japan, where it is made into a battery. Then it goes into cars, some of which are shipped to the United States and some of which go to Europe. All of that seaborne transport consumes a lot of fossil fuel."

Well it that's not quite enough to take away the Green designation, how about this:

"CNW Marketing rates cars on the combined energy needed "to plan, build, sell, drive and dispose of a vehicle from initial concept to scrappage." A Prius costs $2.87 per lifetime mile. By comparison, an H3 Hummer costs $2.07 per lifetime mile. Then there will be the problem of disposing of the used batteries."

Looks like I had better cancel my order. What are you going to do with yours?

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